Part 16: Love and Death in Ark Arena

Previously, Eluca and Zhamo finished the whole "ring-gathering" business. In the end, it turned out that the Warrior's Ring belongs to Zhamo and the Companion's ring to Eluca, contrary to the expectations. Of course, now it is time for the first round of fights, and our opponents are Ayuta and Mana.

But first, let's get Piu-Piu out of the way.

I think we are quite tough enough, thanks.

Ok, so let's see about equipment.
We're not going to be buying the weapons because we already have better ones that we found (as usual).

But better clothes can be useful:

I have included all four of these because I love how when you put together all the equipment names (including the ones from before) it actually more or less tells you what happened to these two before they were brought to the Arena (at least in this timeline, we know that it may not have been quite the same in the other one that we've seen so far). I think that's quite a nice touch.

And two Topaz rings, of which I have absolutely nothing at all to say. They just increase your speed and luck and that's the beginning and the end of that.

Now, Escher and Musiea are standing right here, so we may as well talk to them.

Yeah, about that. How is Ayuta such a skilled fighter anyway?

All the way to the other side, we find seemingly uninterested Olgar and Vahti.

She does seem very calm about the whole thing. But then again, they've done this before.
Finally in the central area are our opponents, Ayuta and Mana.


...arena it is, I guess.

And with this the fight starts.

As you can see, in another nice touch, quite appropriately for her position Mana is using a bow and arrows to attack (in case you were wondering if she's going to turn out to be wielding a giant axe or sword, like Olgar and Escher)

Unfortunately, this is another one of those fights that will be over before they even begin. Ayuta and Mana are level 12 and 11 respectively, but Eluca and Zhamo are actually level 20 at this point. As before, I didn't really do any grinding, I just never ran away from random battles and I fought the highest level enemies that I could and this is where they ended up after two dungeons. It's difficult not to be overleveled in this game.

And of course the first attack already does ridiculous damage.

They are not doing much to us, on the other hand.

Next attack on Mana does 0 damage. But we've seen this before: the game is preventing us from killing the enemies because in a couple of turns there is going to be a cutscene.

Looks like Eluca has overestimated herself a little bit...

Basically Zhamo goes into overdrive mode and all his stats are boosted, as you can see with the little indicators next to his HP/MP. The stats are the same ones we've already seen many times: attack, defence, speed and luck.

After this, the battle is over quickly.

As always, we learn our opponents' skills (not that we have seen them use them in this battle, but...)
Asura Lotus is a multi-hit attack (3-5 when solo, 2-3 when in pair), but it takes a ridiculous 200MP to use, so basically I will never use it (Eluca and Zhamo do not have the 1/2 MP skill at this point). Critical Pierce is passive skill that increases critical damage by ignoring the defence stat (this is again similar to a mechanism that exists in some Final Fantasy games, notably FFX), this one is certainly useful. These two skills are for the Human Warrior Gene plate. The other two skills are for the Human Mage: Moonlight Shadow makes you take 0 damage once, and Recover MP every turn does exactly what it says. Neither is especially interesting, although perhaps Moonlight Shadow can have limited use in some situations. Its usefulness is limited because in most of situations where casting it may make a difference you could instead cast a Healing spell, or use a healing item--there are no enemies with insta-death moves and if they are doing too much damage to you then you won't be able to keep up anyway and need to level up.

So, again the number of characters has been halved and you can see above on the screenshot who won the other fight...